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Monday, July 8, 2013

Reach Out and Connect

Today was the day we celebrated one of my coworkers, miss Terry Rodriguez, one of my dear friends and mentors, a truly inspiring woman in the fashion industry and in my life. After working for our company for five years, she is heading back to New York to be with her family at the end of the week. Our team went out for drinks and appetizers after work today as a going away party. With the sun setting off in the distance, casting golden beams of light that echoed over our hair and sparkled in our eyes, we sat out on the patio and went around the group (a large group), each saying one teary-eyed thing about Terry, one story that we remember about her, that shining memory of the impact she left by being in our lives. This is my story.

Terry is an apparel quality control manager, and she is what I consider a true leader. She is the kind of person people willingly and happily follow. She is a person of true influence, regardless of title. So many of my coworkers will agree that Terry is a connector- she connects people. When I think about that, I can't help but say, "What an amazing skill! What a talent to have!" She has something others don't necessarily have, something about her that I would like to have about me too. I'd like to say we are all born with talents and skills, but some things are more than talents because we do them with our hearts. And that's how Terry is with everything- with work and with the people. The reason she is so good at connecting people is because she does it on purpose. She is not afraid of speaking up. And she truly cares.

When you meet someone who has a talent for connecting with people, for caring- that is someone who you will never forget. 

That is someone who leaves an impact on your life, who just by being themselves makes you look in the mirror and want to be a better person, and is willing to help you get there.

Terry, you will be dearly missed by our whole team and I wish you the best of luck in your life. It has been an honor to know you and to learn from you. I  know our paths will cross again. Thank you for being an amazing mentor and a beautiful, inspiring soul.

Terry always says, "Reach out and connect." This one is for you, Terry. 

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