This game has been going around social media lately, and I thought I would share it with you. Here's how you play: Leave a comment or social media @ me and I will give you a random number. You have to say that many things about you that I don't know already (you can post it to your social media and tag me if you like).
Okay, this took me an episode of "Once Upon A Time In Wonderland" and an album worth of songs on Florence & the Machine's Pandora station (plus the time to find the pictures to go along with it). I was given 5 and 9 by two different people so I went with the harder number... Go figure.
1. One of my favorite snacks as a child was kosher pickle & peanut butter sandwiches (on hot dog buns only).
2. I used to hate Lady Gaga but I still can't keep myself from singing along to the lyrics, "I live for the applause, applause" driving in the car alone or watching that Kia commercial. Damn it.
3. I love where I live now... however... I have dreamed of living in NYC ever since I was 13 years old. I always imagined there was a place for everyone there, a place where I could wear my crazy hats and no one would ask why. Because in New York City, everyone is on their way to somewhere else and at any time of day or night it is plausible and reasonable for someone to be dressed for any occasion, real or imagined.
4. If money was not a concern, I would spend my life traveling the world to exotic places, painting in the streets, wearing a beret, dressing like a crazy person-because I can, learning foreign languages, getting to know locals, skipping all the expected tourist locations, finding unknown crevaces and hidden places and people to photograph in hauntingly beautiful ways, to show the world how to see through someone else's eyes.
5. I am going to change the world one day. I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I know I will and no one can tell me otherwise. Anyone who tries is wrong and they just don't know it yet.
6. I am a keeper. I keep things- very clear (selective) life-impactful memories of people I may have only ever met once and may never meet again, boxes of fabric, projects and plans, random so-called-useless facts. The physical stuff isn't always useful, but the knowledge is. There is no such thing as "useless facts." That is a term made up by ignorant people who don't want to take the effort to step outside of the circle they have drawn around themselves in the sand to hold onto knowledge that they have no use for yet.
7. I used to believe I was ugly... And I feel guilty sometimes for feeling beautiful now. But at least I know better. And I am glad for it. I truly believe I can look at anyone and find beauty if I look hard enough. It has taken me years to see myself clearly when I look in the mirror, but I know who I am.
35MM b&w photography- self portrait, 2004 |
8. I might have been a real ballerina if I had ever taken dance lessons. Sometimes when no one is around, I pretend I did. If a tree is graceful in the forest and no one sees it, was it graceful at all? I believe it was, if the tree believes enough.
9. I wont give up on or let go of my childlike wonder. I believe in fairie tale beginnings, middles, and endings.
Each of us has a story waiting to be told. This is a glimpse of mine. What's yours?
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